WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Vape Discussions

Dispoable Vapes Vs. A bigger tank; is a disposable vape enough or do I need a bigger tank?

Whether a disposable vape or a bigger tank is enough for you depends on your personal vaping preferences and usage habits. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Pros & Cons of bigger tank

Bigger Tank (Refillable System):



  1. Larger e-liquid capacity, reducing the frequency of refills.
  2. Wide variety of flavor options and nicotine strengths.
  3. Cost-effective in the long term as you can refill the tank with your choice of e-liquids.
  4. Customizable with different coils and settings to suit your vaping style.



  1. Requires regular maintenance, such as cleaning the tank and changing coils.
  2. Initial setup may be more complex for beginners.
  3. Less convenient for some users due to the need for refilling and coil changes.

Pros & Cons of disposable vapes

Disposable Vapes


PROS of Disposable Vapes

  1. Convenient and easy to use.
  2. No need to worry about refilling e-liquid or changing coils.
  3. No maintenance required; simply dispose of it once it’s empty.
  4. Compact and portable, ideal for on-the-go vaping.


Cons Disposable Vapes

  1. Limited e-liquid capacity; may need frequent replacements if you vape frequently.
  2. Limited flavor and nicotine strength options compared to refillable systems.
  3. Typically more expensive in the long run compared to refillable setups.
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